Downtown Joel Brown picked up his first drum at the age
of 4. At that age, he had no idea that this would turn into a
lifelong passion. In kindergarten, Joel played every percussion
instrument he could get his hands on. Who didn’t though? It wasn’t
until the 4th grade when he heard his calling and he realized he at
least needed to be in the Elementary School band. Joel played in
Elementary school all the way through high school, earning
percussion section leader status his Junior and Senior year and was
elected Band president his Senior Year as well.
During that decisive 4th grade inquisition, Joel went to a band
rehearsal, not knowing what was about to go down. When asked what he
was interested in hearing, he said he wanted to hear the trumpet section
and the percussion section. After the trumpets played a little ditty,
Joel said “Cool.” And then the percussion section played. It was at
that moment that the earth rumbled and he said to himself, “ Drums are
where it’s at and that’s where I need to be”. From then on, Joel’s
insatiable hunger for drums only became more and more severe as time
went on. The summer after 7th grade, he worked all summer for his Dad
cutting brush and mowing lawns for $2 an hour. His Dad taught him his
great work ethic as he saved up all summer for his first set.
the end of the summer at the age of 13, he bought a beautiful 1971
classic Ludwig 3 piece set for $300. As soon as he bought his first
set, Joel formed Skeleton Crue with his Brother Bruce Jr. on guitar,
Wayne Evans on bass and Jim Trombley on guitar. After that, Joel really
didn’t play with any major bands until he moved to St. Petersburg, FL.
was in St. Petersburg where he joined up with blues sensation Glenn
Mancini and studied music at St. Petersburg College, receiving his
Associates Degree in Fine Arts. He was section leader all 4 semesters
of attendance and was elected Symphony Band President his last two
semesters. Joel then transferred to the University of South Florida
where he continued to study percussion. While attending USF, Joel
played with a couple other bands, but playing for Glenn Macini was by
far the highlight of his St. Petersburg years.
Joel’s drumming and percussion influences include but are not limited to
Tito Puente, John Bonham, Bill Ward, John Fishman and their respective
bands Santana, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath and Phish. However Joel’s
influences have been affected most recently and most importantly by
Billy Martin of the Jazz/Funk instrumental trio Medeski, Martin and
Wood, who are both his favorite drummer and favorite band.
Joel moved to Colorado in 2000, he immediately auditioned for the Efoe
Show, a reggae band that is now defunct. He forgot to bring his cymbals
to the audition and thought he was wasting everyone’s time. However,
they let him audition anyway. By demonstrating some very creative use
of his rims and drum shells to make up for a lack of cymbals, he made
the cut! Since then he has played for Thomas Rogers Band, Band of Gold,
Maggie Jack, Funkin A, and was a founding member of both Hotfoot and
Entropy. He has also played with sidemen of Santana. Joel has played
at the Fox Theater, The Gothic Theater, The Marquis, Herman’s Hideaway,
Herb’s Hideout, The Soiled Dove, The Duke of Windsor, Oskar Blues,
Cheers, Catacombs, The Foundry, Greenfields and Ziggies. Joel is most
proud and forever grateful for his opportunity to play a solo
performance at Fiddlers Green Amphitheater in the summer of 2007.
has done audio, video and lighting production for major acts such as the
Police, Van Halen, Disturbed, Slipknot, George Strait, Linkin Park, Ozzy
Ozbourne, Def Leppard, Foreigner and Styx to name just a few. Joel’s
passion and love for making music is evident in his playing and his
professional life. His unique style, rock solid timing and infectious
funky grooves have earned him the reputation of being in the group of
the “Funkiest Drummers on the Face of the Planet” amongst some. Joel
plays Mapex M Series drums, Zildjian A Custom Cymbals and Vater
Percussion sticks. Joel will always play drums and plans on expanding
his musical arena by working on his guitar and bass playing skills.
Keep your eyes and ears on Downtown Joel Brown, he has joined one of
Denver’s Hottest Funk Bands, “Buckner Funken Jazz”, and he and Ron
Buckner (B-6) their bass player are the driving forces behind that