Our Fan's Comments Below !
2. Post your questions and comments on
the band, the website, a show you saw, music, and life.
You guys provide a rare sound.
The front horn section seemed to'git me where I live'. The rest of the
band-back groove finishes the funkenz groovin picture, and gets the
audience in the synergy flow, from stage
to crowd. Irresistible! Been in sound production for awhile. You guys
stop everyone in their tracks to catch
the hot steam and then....the coooool down ~~
Best to you,
Jill E. Michel
Music Production Management
LinkPoint Productions &
Shaped Music Inc.
Fort Collins Colorado
Jill thank you for your support of
band. The sound equipment your company provided was top notch
also, thank your sound engineer Ricardo Velez For His Excellent Audio
Engineering For Our Show In Fort Collins
Paul Z. writes:
You guys rock! Saw a great show with some
friends. My personal motto is "never trust a man who likes to dance, or a woman who
doesn't," but you guys had me going.
Thanks Paul. We tend to get people going whether
they like it or not. You can trust us.
'Munson9' writes:
Can you give any advice to me and my harmonica
Munson, we must confer with the International
Funk Federation and get back to you. In the meantime, please verify that your harmonica
a certified Funktatronic Harmonica - there is nothing worse than a fake, fraudulent funktatronic harmonica. Thank you.
'Rughty' writes:
Just listened to your mp3's. You guys are...
uh...um... leaving me speechless for one. That's some great music (great live recording
I used to be in a band with [BFJ drummer] Dave about ten years ago. Tell bo-bo hey
for me. Oh yeah, put more mp3's on the site!! Please!!
Thanks Rughty. We'll tell boo-boo
to get to work
on some more mp3 files.
Kim O. writes:
You guys are all men, real men, super studs. You get me in trouble with my
boyfriend! SHHH! Lots of love - Kim O.
You are too kind Kim.
Please don't get into trouble and thank you
for your support of Buckner Funken Jazz
M. writes:
Your rhythm section rocks especially your bass player.
Man talk about holding the pocket !! How does he generate so much
thumping, barely moving his hands? He is a joy to watch.
Thank you John
David P. writes:
You guys are so great! You make me want to shake my rump back and forth
and make out with my girlfriend!
Damn! You go girl!
Thank you, David. Anything we can do to help.
Tom R.
Your bass player (B-6) is one of the smoothest and funkiest bass
players I have heard in a long time. He makes your band
groove, your lucky to have him he is truly a great player !!!
Thank you Tom